Tell us your story

Over on Facebook, we’re seeing people post photos, tell stories, and more.

But if you don’t “do” Facebook, or if you’d like to post your story in a way that  would be easier to assemble into a class “memory book,” feel free to share your story here.

Note that you must first give us your full contact information by registering for the reunion or completing the contact form before we’ll publish your story here.  We’ll use that to confirm your submission.

Tell us your story

  • If your name is different now, please include that in your story.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
  • This will appear in lists where space is an issue.
  • You may include links to your website or social media profiles, but email addresses and phone numbers are not recommended.
  • Hidden
  • You may upload a DOC or (preferably) PDF file instead of filling in the summary. Again, take care about including email addresses or other contact information you don't want to be public.
    Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • Please let us know the best way to contact you, especially if you're not sure that we have your current info.